I've moved!! Come see me at my new site: http://raspberryrunner.wordpress.com/
Forget love...I'd rather fall in chocolate!
My blogger valentine came today!! It's from Sarah at Tales of Expansion. All edible treats contained dark chocolate...that's what I call a valentine!

Savory Oats with Spinach and Gouda
Its a warm and beautiful day in Athens, GA! I stocked up on oatmeal supplies over the weekend, but when I woke up to 70 degree weather, cereal sounded more appealing than a warm bowl of oats. So I made this:

- Cook 1/3 cup oats with 2/3 cup water
- Mix in shredded gouda and fresh baby spinach while warm
- Let cool and enjoy!
Hair of the dog that bit you

Guess what today is???

Blog Worthy Oatmeal and New Workout
I have recently rediscovered my love for oatmeal thanks to reading food blogs. I've been in a cereal rut for a while, but after seeing all of your mouthwatering pictures of oats, I am convinced that oatmeal is the easiest delicious, filling, healthy, and versatile breakfast, and I should be eating it all the time! After a little trial and error, I have now created my own perfect bowl of oatmeal based on Kath's recipe for whipped banana oatmeal.
- 1/3 cup rolled oats
- 1/3 cup skim milk
- 1/3 cup water
- 1 whole banana (sliced)
- cinnamon!
- dried fruit and nuts

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...
Title inspired by Dori from Finding Nemo. Does anyone else love that movie?
- [10 x wt (kg)] + [6.25 x ht (cm)] - [5 x age (yr)] -161 = RMR (calories per day)
- Then multiply by a physical activity factor to determine your total calories expended (1.3 for sedentary, 1.5 for active...etc)

Good Eats in Nashville!
I just got back last night from spending the whole weekend in Nashville with my sister! I really wanted to go visit her before school got crazy with midterms, spring break, etc. I had a great time, and I ate some great food! For breakfast on Saturday, we went to a restaurant across the street from her dorm called Noshville. They had a huge menu with pages of breakfast and lunch items. I got overwhelmed and ordered scrambled eggs with toast and fruit. This sounds very non-foodie, but check out how I dressed it up: