When I created this blog, I felt a little uncomfortable using my real name, so I came up with the alias "Ella Riley." Where did this come from??
This is Ella and Riley. They are our family dogs back at home in Marietta, GA.
Anyway, I bring this up because I feel like my real name suits me very well, and although aliases are kind of fun, I am considering using my real first name instead. I haven't decided if I'll change it yet... just something I'm considering. So if my name changes on this blog, I didn't have an identity crisis, I just got tired of having a fake internet name.
I am almost finished with writing my 4 cover letters for my dietetic internship applications. I have an appointment at the UGA writing center on Wednesday to help me revise them. After taking so many science classes, I feel like I've forgotten how to write an essay! This is just a brief break from working on applications, and I also have a quiz tomorrow at 9 AM. But I have just one pic I want to show you before I go back to being a responsible student:
The Pointless Pita. It just can't hold nearly enough veggies!
Also, Oh She Glows is having another contest to win Honest Foods prizes (or Neil Brothers if you are in Canada). You should check it out here if you haven't already!
Cute dogs - good luck with the applications!
You have a quiz already? Classes are just starting for me tomorrow. Good luck with your internship!
Awww those dogs are adorable and I LOVE their names!! So true about pitas, looks yummy though.
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